Ep. 43: TELL YOUR STORY! Prompts To Help You Get Personal and Actually Post On The Gram!

FGS Pod - Audiogram + Quote Templates.png

Oh hello there, my rad entrepreneur friend,
and welcome to the Feel Good Social Podcast!

Are you struggling to actually post on social media? I know if you're listening to this podcast, you want to market your business online, but are you actually showing up?

I'm not here to judge you, my friend... I'm here to offer you some help (and a little bit of homework!)

Through the end of this year, I'll be sharing weekly prompts on my Instagram account (@feelgoodsociall) to help us all share our stories and get personal with our ideal followers...

Because I truly believe: Storytelling is the best way to boost your KNOW / LIKE / TRUST factor with your people, so they want to buy from YOU (and not the Jane Shmane brand over there that's just like yours but not as cool. 😉)

To participate, simply check Instagram every Wednesday for a new prompt - and create post about it!⁠

Make sure you tag me @feelgoodsocial, so I can see and leave some love for you in the comments!⁠

Psst... Are you scared of getting personal?⁠

Don't worry, you won't be alone. 🤗⁠

I'll be sharing my answers to these weekly prompts right along with you!⁠ In fact - in today's episode, I'm sharing my answer to the first week's prompt: The Origin Story of Feel Good Social.

And please share this challenge with your friends who could use a little push to post on social, too.⁠

If you enjoy this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcast and share it to your Instagram stories!

Don't forget to tag me @feelgoodsocial, so I can see and spread the love back to you!

Struggling to hone in on your brand’s vibe on Instagram?

Click here to grab our free guide!